100 Things about mE

31 Jan

Well Erin and Jen have inspired me to write a whole lot about myself. I am going to try to give you as many NEW “things” as I can!

1. I have lost my big toenail on my right foot too many times to count.
2. I would eat ice cream after every meal if there was no consequences.
3. I am a member of the Picky Club.
4. I like to use pepper jack cheese on my pizza.
5. I just started washing my face with actual face soap in October.
6. I hate washing my hair so it usually only happens after a swim.
7. My favorite running distance is the half marathon.
8. I am really excited to work on my speed and try to get my half marathon times faster.
9. My favorite triathlon distance is the half Ironman.
10. I would really like to do 3 70.3 races this year but we will see what happens.
11. I have 18 Nuun water bottles.
12. Dan says if I come home with anymore I am getting kicked out of the house.
13. I love to write postcards while traveling.
14. I am loving the Postcards On The Run App.
15. I won the bike challenge again this year for the Portland Tri Club. I rode ~588 miles in 7 weeks.
16. That is what happens when you don’t have a car.
17. I went to the international science fair twice when I was in high school.
18. I had my tongue pierced my first year of college.
19. Then I pursued an education in dental hygiene and took it out.
20. I have 5 tattoos.
21. I got all 5 in different cities. (Las Vegas,Flagstaff,Eugene,San Francisco,Portland)
22. My favorite color is hot pink.
23. I had a pet tortoise named Mick.
24. I use old Adams peanut butter jars to keep cold water in the fridge.
24. I only use salad dressing if I have homemade it.
25. My mom and I ate 8 pints of Ben & Jerry’s in a 4 day weekend.
26. It was on sale!!
27. My first concert was En Vogue.
28. At the old Aladdin.
29. If you haven’t been to Vegas in a while it is now Planet Hollywood.
30. When season 3 of Orange Is The New Black comes out I want to watch seasons 1 and 2 again.
31. I read 50 Shades of Grey before it was popular.
32. I really wanted 547 as my bib number at IM Canada (Whistler).
33. It was actually 544.
34. Dan still makes fun of me for that!
35. I am a much faster swimmer in open water than in the pool.
36. I can not flip turn with a buoy.
37. BUT I can flip turn if I am using paddles and a buoy.
38. I used to eat candy corn on my long runs when I first started to run and I didn’t know a gel existed.
39. I have never been in a wedding.
40. I lied I was in my brother and SIL’s!!
41. BUT I will be a maid of honor on July 3rd.
42. I get the hiccups every.single.day.
43. I really want to do Timberman 70.3.
44. Why are all the good races on the east coast?
45. I do not like bananas!!
46. I really want a new bike.
47. BUT I got “let go” from my job.
48. I still want a new bike.
49. I guess I better get a new job SOON!
50. Being a dental hygienist for 12 years is about 10 years too long!
51. I am now to forced to decide what I want to do when I grown up.
52. I do love being an apartment girlfriend!!
53. I wish I would have gone to school to be a Physician’s Assistant or a Physical Therapist.
54. OR a vegetarian chef.
55. I wanted to buy an Infiniti G35 after I graduated college.
56. I really want to learn to play tennis.
57. I really want to do the NYC marathon again.
58. I entered the lottery again this year.
59. Nawk is my favorite lotion!
60. I don’t drink soda.
61. BUT an occasional root beer at the movies or on a long bike ride tastes amazing.
62. Being in the middle of a run during the sunrise is a perfect way to wake up!!
63. I asked Dan out on our first date.
64. I drove my mom’s mini van in high school.
65. My favorite song was Come Undone by Duran Duran in those days.
66. My high school football team went to state my freshman year. It was at UNLV’s stadium.
67. My friends and I went. Talk about intimidating!! Especially because we had to get a ride there.
68. When I first started riding bikes I didn’t like to descend.
69. Now I love it!
70. My A race this year is Victoria 70.3.
71. I am no longer using a coach.
72. Still trying to put together a plan.
73. I have never seen Star Wars. Any of them!!
74. OR The Princess Bride.
75. I have more favorite restaurants in Phoenix than in Portland.
76. I love Portland brunch.
77. BUT hate waiting for Portland brunch!
78. I don’t want to have a wedding.
79. I think they are a waste of money.
80. BUT I do want a ring.
81. I want stackable rings.
82. I designed and bought my own ring 5 years ago because I was sick of waiting for a guy to give me one! πŸ™‚
83. My Ironman PR is a 12:30.
84. I might come out of retirement next year to try to break it!
85. I was signed up for 2 IM races before I had even done 1!!
86. I have been a vegetarian for 22 years.
87. I always wished I was a twin.
88. I don’t want kids.
89. BUT if I was guaranteed to have twins I would have them. (wink wink)
90. I prefer to be cool auntie Leslie.
91. I like running hills.
92. I went to Vegas for my 21st birthday.
93. I won with the first quarter I put in the slots.
94. I watched The Hangover while on the bike trainer every week for 4 months when it came out on DVD.
95. My favorite song right now is Centuries by Fall Out Boy.
96. I did not join Facebook until 2012!
97. I am dying to go to Barcelona.
98. I use the foam roller every.single.night!
99. I hate to shop.
100. Unless it is for work out clothes!!!!

There you go. I can’t believe I could think of 100 things!! (Mostly) πŸ™‚

20 Responses to “100 Things about mE”

  1. MoM January 31, 2015 at 10:33 PM #

    You need a job!

  2. Sheryl February 1, 2015 at 12:44 AM #

    I was the inspiration for #63 and am also #87. And #89!

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats February 1, 2015 at 11:13 AM #

      Absolutely!!!! I went through a few guys before I met “the keeper”!!!
      I bet you were jealous when Jen & Steve had twins??!! πŸ™‚

  3. Kecia February 1, 2015 at 6:57 AM #

    So fun to get to know you better!! I can’t believe you don’t like bananas!! What about them don’t you like???? I’m sorry to hear you were let go from your job, but maybe that is a sign to break out and try something different πŸ˜‰ I always say the correct number of bikes is n+1 (where n is the current number of bikes owned). I also prefer to be the cool aunt Kecia…I like my freedoms without kids AND I don’t want twins (both of my grandmothers are identical twins, my sister has twins and my mother-in-law is an identical twin…I’d probably end up with quadruplets). πŸ˜‰

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats February 1, 2015 at 11:07 AM #

      I don’t like the taste of bananas. It is weird. I wish I liked them. I do have a recipe for a bread that uses bananas as the sweetener and I don’t mind that.
      YES…the freedom without kids is what I like too! You do have a lot of twins in your family. My grandma was a twin and they had sister twins too.
      I will get a new, way better job, and be much happier!! πŸ™‚

  4. Joann February 1, 2015 at 7:45 AM #

    Hahaha oh Leslie! I love reading your blog! It makes me laugh and smile!
    1. You don’t like bananas!!!??? I love them and eat one every day!!! Lol
    2. IM 2016- I’m in!! That’s my post baby retirement plan!! πŸ˜‰
    3. Good luck finding a job you really like!!! πŸ™‚
    Have a great weekend!!! And hope to see you soon!!!

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats February 1, 2015 at 11:11 AM #

      I hate bananas. I just don’t like the taste!!
      Yes!! What IM do you want to do??!!
      Thanks. It might be harder than i think to find a job I really “like”!! πŸ™‚

  5. Kristen February 1, 2015 at 8:10 AM #

    I just did this too! Oh my, like you, I have a massive collection of water bottles and they are all over the place. I need to organize my water bottles a little better. πŸ™‚

    I have never heard of the Postcards on the Run app. Going to check this out now.

    Favorite Bend & Jerry’s flavor?

    Sorry to hear you were let go from your job? Do you think you will stay in the same field or are you exploring other options? Are you going to stay in Portland?

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats February 1, 2015 at 11:10 AM #

      I love the Postcards on the Run app. You put in your own picture and send it. It is kind of pricey. I have been doing them mostly for thank you notes!
      Right now my fave B&J flavor is the peanut butter half baked and Peanut butter/chocolate core. Love them and eat them way too much!!
      I am not sure what I want to do yet. I might temp. I might look at a job at REI or Starbucks just for fun. Probably staying in Portland. There is a slight chance we will move in September.

  6. Luv What You Do February 1, 2015 at 3:40 PM #

    No Chicago tattoo…you’ll have to come back! So fun learning more about you!
    I think you may be on to something with the wedding thing but a ring is a MUST : )

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats February 1, 2015 at 8:48 PM #

      I should come back and get a tat in Chicago. I do want to run the marathon again!! One day!!! πŸ™‚

  7. Heather @ HeatherRunsFast.com February 2, 2015 at 6:05 AM #

    OMG love this! Todd has a G35 and I don’t ever want him to sell it. Was the wink wink to twins for me? No? Well I took it that way. Not sure if I’ve disclosed my intense want for twins on the blog. Sorry you got let go 😦 Guess that’s why you’ve been baking so much? You should be a vegetarian personal chef! A tortoise is an interesting pet! I love how much I learned about you!

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats February 2, 2015 at 9:11 AM #

      That is awesome you want twins!! I did not know that!! The more I meet people the more people I know that are a twin. it is so funny!!!

  8. Change of Pace February 2, 2015 at 3:55 PM #

    Love reading these!! And may I say you have such flawless skin- crazy you never washed it with face soap for so many years. Maybe there’s something to that theory?!
    Sounds fateful you are no longer at your old job since you’ve been wanting a change for a while. Now this will force you!
    What happened to Mick?

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats February 2, 2015 at 10:13 PM #

      I have no idea how my skin has stayed so nice!! πŸ™‚
      I am trying to decide what I want to do. It is good but a pain too!!
      Sad story about Mick. He lived in our back yard and hibernated during the winter. My mom found him at the bottom of the pool in the middle of the winter. So we think that he must have been sick or something to be out. 😦 He lived a long time!! He was super cute!!!

  9. Kristin (@SweatCourage) February 6, 2015 at 7:04 PM #

    I really enjoyed learning more about you!! I had no idea you were a vegetarian! I LOVE Timberman. I’ve done the race once, but I’ve ridden the course probably 20 times (my parents have a house on the course). I hope you come out to New Hampshire and race it one day! Let me know if you do, you have a place to stay! Oh and it’s funny you say that about the east coast, because I feel like all of the cool races are on the WEST coast.. and everything else that’s cool and active, I envy you west-coasters! Cannot wait for season 3 of OITNB!

  10. Amie February 27, 2015 at 7:44 AM #

    I’m very late in writing anything here (mostly due to my own crazy schedule, mixed with some laziness) – I also want to do Timberman 70.3, although a little easier logistically for me… I love that you designed and bought your own ring, and there is always time to recreate yourself – be a chef or a PA or whatever else you want to be. Just do. πŸ™‚

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats February 28, 2015 at 2:00 PM #

      Yes!! I am trying to do some soul searching but it really isn’t happening!! I am getting a little more motivated now cause I really want a new bike!! πŸ™‚


  1. 101 Things… | PushMyLimits - February 1, 2015

    […] couldn’t resist…I decided to link up with Erin, Katie, Leslie, Jen, KristenΒ who have posted 101 (or 100) things about themselves. Here is 101 things about […]

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