Lemon-Chocolate-Ricotta-Pancakes + 1st Ride Outside

6 Apr

I made these a couple 10 weeks ago. They were amazing! I got the recipe from Jessica over at How Sweet It Is.

Chocolate + Lemon Glaze + Griddler = Deliciousness

I had planned on doing a whole post about them. Time got away from me and I planned to make them again. I finally made them today after our ride and swim! They don’t really need a whole post so I thought I could talk about my ride too!! πŸ™‚

Todays: (They were a little fluffier today/browner because I used real ricotta. Last time I used vegan ricotta–so they were a little thinner and not as crisp.)

They are seriously amazing. Just FYI: If you do make them: You really don’t need all of the sugar in the glaze. You could probably get away with 1/2 c. I used 1c today and we still had left overs. The recipe calls for 1.5c.

Now for the ride!! 1st ride of the year in the books! I was NERVOUS! I didn’t know what to wear. I didn’t know what to eat for breakfast. I didn’t know what to take for nutrition. It was 30% chance of rain.

This was the elevation chart:

This ride really gives you the most bang for your buck. 2 climbs + rolling hills = perfect for a weekday ride or a 1st ride outside of the year! πŸ™‚

After I figured out what I was going to eat for breakfast (oatmeal), what I was going to wear(what I wear to commute to work), and what I was taking for nutrition (coconut/blueberry rice cake + Gatorade), I was ready to go.

We rode 3.5 miles (flat) to meet the other peeps. We took off for 24 miles. We started out strong and finished strong. It was really fun. The 30% chance of rain turned into 100% chance. As it started to rain on our first big decent. It was off and on until we got back to town and then the sun came out just as we were getting back to the start!! At least it was sunny out for those last 3.5 back home!!


I was super proud of Dan because he had never climbed up to Skyline before, let alone twice in the same ride. He did awesome!! He wore this bright yellow vest that worked out good because I could see him for miles! πŸ™‚

I also wanted to mention that we Dan made these great rice cakes from Feed Zone Portables Cookbook. Chris and Amy made them for us last year at our Bend Training Camp. I had told Dan about them a while back and ended up buying the book for him for Christmas! We He finally broke out the book and made the coconut blueberry rice cakes.

They were delicious and kept us energized! Next week we are going to try some savory ones!! Excited!!

Did anyone do anything exciting this weekend??

One last thing: The power meter!! It was crazy seeing the numbers. When we were climbing the numbers were 220+. Cadence was good and solid. My average watts was good. I need to do an outdoor test and get some solid data there!! Maybe it won’t be so bad using it after all!!

12 Responses to “Lemon-Chocolate-Ricotta-Pancakes + 1st Ride Outside”

  1. Heather @ HeatherRunsFast.com April 6, 2014 at 6:39 PM #

    Two yummy recipes in one post?! Thank you! This weekend I went to a Tampa Bay Rays game (we won!) and a baby shower. Awesome job on your ride. Already doing big things πŸ™‚

  2. Change of Pace April 6, 2014 at 7:23 PM #

    Those pancakes look and sound divine!
    Yay for a successful first ride outside! Those are high watts! It’ll be great to get some outdoor data.
    My excitement: a long run outside! First time in weeks!

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats April 8, 2014 at 10:08 AM #

      I love pancakes. I don’t eat them nearly enough but that is probably a good thing!!
      YAY for a long run outside!!! Hopefully many more to come!!

  3. Kristen L April 6, 2014 at 9:24 PM #

    Horray for the first outdoor ride!! I am looking forward to doing one in Corvallis, but I’m a little nervous about getting lost on my own as I’m still learning the area. Not sure if I’ll try it this week or not! πŸ™‚ I need a group ride!
    My fun for the weekend was volunteering for a sprint tri in town on Saturday! Very fun!

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats April 6, 2014 at 9:28 PM #

      OMG!! I was totally going to tell you about the Beaver Freezer that you should go check it out!!! That was my very first tri in 08!! Memories!! I almost did it this year!!
      You will have to come ride up here some time. But I am sure there are plenty of good trails in Corvallis!!

  4. erin April 7, 2014 at 5:22 AM #

    Hooray for outdoor riding! It is the BEST THING EVER πŸ™‚ #bikelove

    And, those pancakes… I’m a sucker for anything and everything lemon! And, I really need to pick up the Feed Zone cookbook!

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats April 8, 2014 at 10:06 AM #

      Yes!!! It is going to be so great when you get out on the road too!! πŸ™‚
      You have to get the portables book. I think it is going to be a real game changer!!!

  5. Kristen @ Glitter and Dust April 7, 2014 at 5:52 PM #

    Do you guys do your Bend Training Camp every year?? Because if so, I may have to stop on by for some amazing food. πŸ˜‰

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats April 8, 2014 at 10:13 AM #

      Yes!!! Every year. I am excited for this year because it will be Memorial Day weekend and we will have an extra day! I am doing a different coach’s camp this year so we will see how the food compares!!! πŸ™‚


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