Last Minute Marathon Tips!

3 Oct

I just read a couple of last minute marathon tip articles. I thought I would share some with you!

You have been training for a long time. 12, 16, 20 weeks for the big day. You should know by now what works and what does not work for you. For example: I like to use Energy Gu and Clif Shots. I cannot stomach Power Bar Gels (and that is what is on course). I know that I will need to bring my own. I practiced with the Snickers bar.

This is not just what you are taking in for nutrition but it goes for your clothes as well. Have you tried running LONG in your favorite shorts or pants. What about the top and bra you are going to wear? You should have all of that figured out before race day.


I live in a cooler climate. If you can try to simulate some of the same weather you are going to have during race day you can be a little more prepped.

Now Chicago is notorious for crazy weather. Sometimes it is in the 90s and sometimes in the 30s. I have been stalking the weather channel and the weather is looking to be high 60s low 50s BUT a chance of rain. I have the advantage over that because I live in Portland and run in the rain. It is still 11 days out and it will probably change.

The moral of this story is: just adapt to what you get. If it is going to be rainy wear a garbage bag until you go over the start line and wear lots of body glide!! If it is hot make sure you are taking in more salt the week before. Lower your expectations for finish times unless you are an expert in the hot weather.

I like to start making a check-list a couple of weeks before. Start with the basics: clothes, shoes, nutrition. Write things down as you go and after your last long runs.

I have already thought of more things!

I have already thought of more things!

Writing down notes while I am training is the best for me. I can go back and see what I liked and what I did not like.

I talk a lot about prepping mentally for a race. YOU HAVE TO!! You have to make sure you have a plan if things go awry.

If your head takes over you have to make sure that your body can take back over! Keep the bad thoughts away. You have been training for this for a long time. Your body knows what to do. If your brain is telling your legs they cannot do it they will probably listen. Having a mantra helps!!

You have to have a plan for that. What are you going to do if you get negative thoughts?

I have been working on my mental toughness for almost 2 years. It helps if I do not train with music because then I use it during the race. I get a huge boost from this. I just keep telling myself it is going to hurt but it is better to hurt now because race day is MAGICAL!

I think that it is different for rookies and veterans. If it is your first–making a finish as your only goal is perfect!! If you have done a couple–you know what to expect. Set realistic goals. Having fun is a perfectly good goal to have!! 🙂

This is my 7th marathon. It may be my HARDEST. I hope that it is my BEST. I believe that I can do a 4:30. I am going to keep positive. I know what to do. My body knows what to do!! I will keep mentally happy. I will have more of a “goal” post next week.

I hope that some of these tips help you get to the finish line a little bit better!!

Both of these articles are for 1st timers but I feel like these tips can ALWAYS be used.
Here are the links to the full articles: 4 last minute tips and 13 tips to a strong 1st marathon

This video is hysterical. If you have ever run a marathon—>this has probably happened to you!

Any other tips for getting through your marathon??

10 Responses to “Last Minute Marathon Tips!”

  1. Laura October 3, 2013 at 6:46 PM #

    Wow – maybe I should start planning for my marathon. Stupid work getting in the way of tapper!

  2. OneMotherofaDay October 3, 2013 at 7:13 PM #

    I’m running my first marathon in 9 days!! I’m soooo scared and nervous! I’m also dealing with some knee issues that I’m hoping will be gone by race day!!

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats October 6, 2013 at 7:10 PM #

      How was Long Beach?!! I hope it was awesome and your knee held up!!!

      • OneMotherofaDay October 6, 2013 at 7:14 PM #

        The race is next Sunday the 13th. I’m still having issues with my knee. I was told on Friday by my doctor that the X-ray i had on my knee has extra fluid around my knee… I still don’t know what I’m going to do…

      • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats October 6, 2013 at 7:16 PM #

        OHHHHH NO!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry!!!!

  3. Erica Heagy October 5, 2013 at 12:40 PM #

    Thanks Les! You are the best! Getting my mantras down and positive thoughts flowing!

  4. Change of Pace October 6, 2013 at 3:52 PM #

    I’m so excited for you! You’re right- these tips are good for anyone to serve as reminders.
    I wouldn’t consider myself a rookie at all, but I still make rookie mistakes. (My armpits are scarred from a race this summer when I wore a cycling jersey to run!)
    Also- I love what you said: I know what to do. My body knows what to do!!
    That should be your mantra!

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats October 6, 2013 at 7:08 PM #

      OMG!! I remember when you had that chaffing!! 😦
      Yes!! I am writing down mantras and just staying positive all week. I hope the weather needs up being ok!!

  5. lauren October 9, 2013 at 8:19 AM #

    You CAN run a 4:30! Chicago is flat and fast and looks like the weather is going to be ideal. Plus you’ll be wearing a sparkle skirt, those things make you go faster by default 🙂

    • Leslie @ TriathleteTreats October 9, 2013 at 5:53 PM #

      Yes!! I can run a 4:30!! I have faith!! I am excited!!! I will be rocking the sparkle skirt like a boss! Booyah!!

Your Sweet Thoughts: